detective agency in Botswana

Although McCall Smith book is a huge success, and he's No. 1 female detective agency seems to be the series most beloved of his many readers. MMA Ramotswe run detective agency, but as a real mystery books come up short. The book is enjoyable, because of the vivid description of the character (who is a real enrichment) in Botswana and life. In fact, you might want to keep the next available flight Botswana! . Of MMA (Precious) Ramotswe "is a full-figured (" traditional built ") owned by institutions, and an honest woman, wisdom is not learned in school. Someone she knew, you would feel very honored. :: MMA Makutsi (her secretary / vice) are people who have lived a difficult life, but her condition is improved, through the hard work and effort. JLB Matekone He is the owner of a garage, and MMA Ramotswe's love interest. is a very kind person, and to see the good in people and life difficult circumstances. The 1st female detective agency series Alexander McCall Smith's current series Of MMA Ramotswe opens a detective agency in Botswana, after reading a manual, to explain expected detective fundamental tasks and requirements. Of course, she needs a competent secretary ... enter of MMA Makutsi, the secretary of the ideal, because her 97% of the Secretary of the test scores and her ability to make Bush Tea. I learned that in the 1st female detective agency looking for a cozy mystery author Alexander McCall Smith series. (I was an avid "Cozy mystery genre fan.) When I started reading this series, I think my reading preferences, this would be a perfect match. I do not know the 1st female detective agency series will become one of my favorite series of books. I really do not think this is a mystery series, but I see it as a "comfortable" series. Alexander McCall Smith wrote four series, each very different topics, of which approximately. There is one thing all people have in common is that all four of them are very carefully designed series. Four series: No. 1 female detective agency series, the Isabel Dalhousie Series, the Portuguese irregular verbs series (aka Professor 博士莫里茨 Maria von · Igelfeld trilogy), and 44 Scotland Street series.